Child and maternal health research institutes working together across Canada.

Member Organizations

MICYRN incorporated as a federal not-for-profit society in January 2011. This process set the official bylaws by which MICYRN is governed, and helped define the members of MICYRN to be “a Canadian organization engaged in maternal, infant, child, or youth health research.” MICYRN members include all 18 of the child and child-maternal and the three largest maternal health research organizations in Canada.

The MICYRN member organizations are based at academic health centres affiliated with the 17 medical schools in the country. Each member organization names a voting representative, as listed below.


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Alberta Children's Hospital Research Institute
Dr. François Bernier


BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute
Dr. Quynh Doan


Bloorview Research Institute
Dr. Evdokia Anagnostou


Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec — Université Laval
Dr. Bruno Piedboeuf


Children’s Health Research Institute
Dr. Victor Han


Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba
Dr. Nichola Wigle

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Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute
Dr. Jason Berman


CHU Sainte-Justine
Dr. Jacques Michaud

IWK Health Centre
Dr. Frank MacMaster


Laurentian University

Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute
Dr. Stephen Lye

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McMaster University, Department of Pediatrics
Dr. Gita Wahi

Memorial University

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Queen’s University, Department of Pediatrics
Dr. Constantine Samaan

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Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre
Dr. Indra Gupta


Sick Kids Research Institute
Dr. Stephen Scherer

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Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre


Université de Sherbrooke
Dr. Frédéric Dallaire

University of Saskatchewan
Dr. Darryl Adamko


Women and Children’s Health Research Institute
Dr. Sandra Davidge

Women's Health Research Institute
Dr. Lori Brotto