Service Agreement Partners.

Partner Saving Solutions

For smaller organizations that support the work of the maternal and child health research community but do not have the funds to hire a full suite of in-house expertise, MICYRN offers a service agreement value-add model.

For an annual fee based on need, access to a pool of personnel that specialize in the areas of administrative and logistical support, communications and stakeholder engagement, and project and executive management.

  Rare Diseases: Models and Mechanisms Network

MICYRN provides the logistical support to the  Rare Diseases: Models and Mechanisms Network (RDMM), which is funded by the CIHR Institute of Genetics and Genome Canada. The network was established to expedite collaborations between clinicians identifying rare disease gene mutations in patients, and researchers who can use model organisms (fruit fly, worm, yeast, zebrafish, mice) to study these genes. 

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 Molly Towell Perinatal Research Foundation

Since 2018, MICYRN has provided, administrative, communication and operational support to the MTPRF Board of Directors. In addition, MICYRN administers the annual grant competition. Since 1988, MTPRF has provided funding of graduate and undergraduate fellowships for individuals in the field of fetal and neonatal medicine.

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 Canadian Child Cannabinoid Clinical Trials

C4T is an academic research team working to move cannabis use from the era of anecdote to evidence. MICYRN provides administrative support and expertise in clinical trials.

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